Connect with us

For press inquiries, please shoot us an email at .


158 Duane St.
New York, NY 10013


We play music that’ll make you want to move. And because we know you’re busy, we’ll get you stretching, sweating and back out the door in just 60 minutes. (Unless you need to hop in the shower, in which case you’re welcome to use our beautiful facilities.) Whether you’ve practiced 2 times or 2,000, we’ll keep you challenged and having fun.

come inside...

New Members

Always hot, always open level, always fun. That’s YogaSpark.

It’s not yoga for beginners, but beginners can do it. Trust us! We offer modifications and amplifications to suit all levels of experience. A lot of people think that hot yoga is “harder” than other yoga or other forms of exercise. We actually think it’s easier, because the heat generally makes you more flexible. If you have never done yoga before, it might take you a few classes to feel like you’ve got the hang of it. Just bring a positive attitude, and remember to breathe!

Getting Ready To Get Sweaty:

How to prepare for class? Make sure you have a good yoga mat, grippy towel, and plenty of water. Make sure you are wearing clothes that you can move and sweat in easily. And if you happen to be practicing in our studios, we offer all of the above for sale. Most importantly, make sure you come to your mat with an open mind and are ready for a challenge!


What is the "Sweatiquette"?

At YogaSpark there are certain things we feel are important – ultimately boiling down to respect for the room, your instructor and your fellow yogis. We call this The Sweatiquette. Collectively abiding by these guidelines is part of what makes our community so awesome.



When you get here, breathe, yogis! We aim to get you in the hot room as fast as possible, so wait patiently. You can help by making sure you arrive with plenty of time to transact, change, and chill before class starts.



Book a class online and check in when you get here. This will ensure you have a spot in class and that everyone gets a cold tea tree savasana towel. If you don’t know what that is, you’re in for a treat.



The hot room is a haven – free from distraction, clutter and pollution. To that end, please leave your bags and cell phones in the locker room unless you have an emergency. Also, clean sweat is the best kind, so please shower before class. Last, we recommend washing your hot yoga clothes on extra hot / sanitary cycles.



Yes, we are all BFFs, and we couldn’t be more excited about the enthusiasm that you bring to our studio every day! Our instructors work very hard to design sequences, playlists, and dialogues that are meant to take you on a fully immersive journey. So please reserve the chatter for before and after class. Also, breathing is beautiful - but please keep extra loud noises to yourself.


Play. Have fun, smile and enjoy. It’s just yoga.

Everything awesome needs awesome rules. That’s how it stays awesome.
Don’t worry, it’s pretty painless.


Booking & Waitlisting

We cap all classes at a reasonable number of yogis such that everyone has room to bend and breathe. If the class you want is available on the app/online, book it! If there aren’t any spots left, put your name on the waitlist (see below).

If a class is full, or you didn’t make it into the class from the waitlist, you’re welcome to swing by, since any unclaimed spots will be given away when each class starts.

You should still check into class at the front desk when you arrive at the studio.



If you’re signed up for a class and need to cancel, do so 12 hours before the class starts. Otherwise, you’re a no show.

If you’re a no show, your series will still be charged for a class. If you have an unlimited membership, you'll be charged a $10 no show fee.


Running Late

If you’re signed up for class but are running late, please call your local studio no later than 5 minutes before class start time so we can make sure to hold your spot. Calls will be answered in the 30 mins before class starts. Do not leave a voicemail; do not email. If there is a waitlist and we have not heard from you by 5 minutes before class start time, your spot will be given away. Doors may lock 5 minutes after class start time.



If you put your name on the waitlist and a spot opens up 12 hours before class start time, you’ll get an email and/or text.

If you no longer can attend class, make sure to cancel before the 12 hour mark. We assume that if you’re on the waitlist 12 hours before a class starts and get into that class, you’re coming.

The Instructors

We have kickass instructors.

They bring energy, enthusiasm, and breadth of knowledge and compassion to the studio on a daily basis. They can connect with a variety of experience levels simultaneously. While they’re each really special and hail from different yoga lineages, they are all here because they love teaching hot power yoga - with a Spark.

One of the measures of our success is getting students committed to and excited about their health, their well-being and their practice. And getting all this through themselves and not one particular teacher. We believe that variety is an integral part of yoga. As is going to your edge and getting outside of your comfort zone. We think you should be able to come to class as often as your schedule allows.

YogaSpark is a place where instructors teach from their heart. Yoga is not about competition - with yourself or anyone else. It’s about loving and appreciating your journey. Our instructors get that it’s not about them; it’s about you. They love helping you challenge yourself and fully embrace every moment of your journey.

We want you to be empowered and blown away by YOU.

So we encourage you to take class from a variety of our instructors, and challenge yourself to always be learning and growing as a yogi and human. We love that you fall in love with our teachers, but we also believe that the best teacher is the one which resides within each of us. Ultimately, yoga helps us to love ourselves.

Because of all of this, we don’t publish teacher schedules. They change and evolve organically and somewhat randomly. We love that you fall in love with our teachers, but we also believe that the best teacher is the one which resides within each of us. Ultimately, yoga helps us to love ourselves.

If you're a yoga instructor and want to up your teaching game, learn about our Mentorship Program here.

Join Our Team

Karma is cool

Karma yoga is the yoga of action, and supports that when we give back to our community, we help create beauty and kindness in the world. In other words, offer us your time and we give back to you!

Join our Karma Team
study with us

Spark your yoga-teaching career with us! Learn to use your passion and create a fun, challenging, and sweat-celebrating environment for yogis. Together, let's raise the bar and break through spiritual and physical barriers.

Our customized mentorship is your guide to success.

Be an Instructor

Want to spread the Spark? We love people with the energy, sass, and skill to lead a room of yogis through a kickass hot power session. We recommend you come take class with us a few times, and then email to let us know you’re interested in setting up a private audition.

Our Apparel

Sweat-tested and hot yogi-approved.

chic yoga clothes you can move and sweat in
Retail collage

We are a proud lululemon authorized retailer! You will find their top quality hot yoga essentials in our stores for both men and women, branded with YogaSpark of course. In addition, we offer our own line of YogaSpark-branded apparel including tanks and comfy pre- and post-yoga gear. Every season you'll find something different, available nowhere else. And every item is limited edition, so get ‘em while they’re hot. Express your inner sweat junkie! Annual members at YogaSpark receive 20% off all non-sale, non-lululemon YogaSpark items.

Look like a badass, feel confident, and enjoy your experience on the mat. We got you.

Our Community

Hot Yogis of the Month

Our community of hot yogis is the reason we wake up in the morning. Every month we celebrate one of you for no reason other than we love you. Check out how amazing you are!

About lauren2

A Note from Lauren

I started YogaSpark because I yearned for a yoga studio that offered an amazing fitness experience, in a super fun, upbeat environment. In other words, I did it for me and I did it for the workout. Within a few months of opening, I realized something more was going on. We were creating a community. We were bringing yoga to many who might not have ever tried it. We were improving and changing lives! And slowly the mission became a less selfish one: to spread the Spark to more people. So here we go.

My heart is full of gratitude for all of these blessings: my talented and dedicated instructors who are always evolving so that we can, the yogis who grace us with their energy and spunk every day, those I’ve trained with whose teachings are so powerful and timeless that they resonate with me daily, my lululemon family, and my corporate and entrepreneurial pasts that were indeed all part of the journey...

...and most importantly, my wonderful husband and sons, who are my inspiration for everything.

See you on the mat.
About laurensignature