Nikki: When did you start practicing at YogaSpark and how did it affect your practice?
Heather: I only started practicing at YogaSpark around 3 months ago, when my youngest child began school. I really wanted to use the time I finally had for myself to build my level of fitness, and YogaSpark combines the benefits of yoga (flexibility and equanimity) with a dynamic physicality that keeps me feeling challenged.
Nikki: What is your favorite yoga pose and why?
Heather: I'm not sure that I can pick a yoga pose that is my favorite, but I do love what I consider the “culmination” pose in every class. I love it when we spend an hour building the heat and flexibility required to make a shape with our bodies that would have been impossible just 60 minutes before.
Nikki: If you could describe yoga in one word what would it be and why?
Heather: Progress. I love how, in practicing yoga, there’s always more. You can challenge yourself every day to do more, and do it better. There is a sense of accomplishment in finding you can easily do something you struggled with before, and in yoga there are so many of these “small victories”.