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Yogi of the Month

July 2024 Yogi of the Month


Hannah just recently hit her 100th class at YogaSpark! She's lived all over the world, loves Korean food, and we are so thankful to have her in our community!

Q: How long have you practiced yoga and what other forms of exercise do you like to do?

I have only been practicing yoga for one year. I love to hike and swim but i have two young kids and life is busy! Until this last year I had never prioritized excercise for myself.

Q: What brought you to YogaSpark?

11 years ago before I got married I tried hot yoga in London. I remember feeling a kind of euphoria that was totally new to me at the time. I moved to NYC last year and for the first time ever I had time on my hands - I knew I needed to try it again!

Q: What do you love about practicing hot power yoga?

Where to begin?? I love practicing in the blacklight. I can forget what I look like and focus on how I feel. I love the heat and the contrast of the cold tea tree towel at the end. I love noticing what is easier or more difficult day by day.

Q: Can you give a word or phrase that describes yoga to you?

Inclusive. Yoga is for EVERYONE! I'm not sure another yoga studio would have allowed me to feel this way.

Q: What's your current favorite song to flow to?

I love Christina's playlist. Sometimes there is a little Radiohead on there, which i love.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote?

"Don't let perfect become the enemy of the good." I use it often with coming to yoga! I just need to show up and try my best.

Q: What yoga pose do you love practicing right now?

Warrior 2, which in the early days felt easy (I was probably doing it wrong) but now feels plenty challenging. I know it's not a pose but I love the rhythm of sun salutations too.

Q: Tell us one non yoga factoid about you

I have lived in many different places in the world, but my favorite was South Korea. I think their cuisine is the best in the world and I am visiting as many different Korean restaurants in NYC as I can.